When is my wedding

Monday, September 8, 2008

What to wear, what to wear...

So Jamie touched on this a little bit in the last post, but I'm still getting questions from folks regarding what to expect weather-wise, and what to wear.

Disclaimer: Both Jamie and I have been living here for a couple of years now, so "cold" is a relative term to both of us. It's been in the 40s and 50s here, and I'm still wearing sandals on a regular basis and breaking out the shorts occasionally.

Weather to expect: Pray for sun. It may happen, it may not. If it does, expect weather to be in the 50s and b-e-a-utiful. Possibly very windy, especially in Eagle River and Palmer (where you will spend the bulk of Thursday-Saturday), so bring a windbreak-layer.

It will probably rain at some point during your visit here. Rain here is not like rain in the South-- it very rarely pours (but it does do that too, every now and again). Expect drizzle/mist/yuck. Jeans are not good in rain.

What to wear: For your basic outdoorsy, touristy stuff, bring jeans and comfy walking shoes. If you plan on doing some hiking, bring sturdy shoes (hiking boots are preferable) and non-cotton pants (there's a saying up here, "Cotton kills," because once it gets wet, you get cold darn quick). Outer layer should be water-resistant and wind-proof. Wool socks will be a plus at night.

For the rehearsal- "Business casual"? I think?
Guys: Nice pants and collared shirt
Girls: ? (Jamie will have to fill in the blank here)

For "The Big Day"- The ceremony will be dressy, but not formal. Guys: Dress shirt and slacks, tie optional.
Girls: Whatever you would wear to a nice dinner out.

OK, that's it. If you have any other questions, email us!


Jamie Lynn said...

It won't let me edit this post since he wrote it BUT, girls, as long as you look nice, I don't care. (Seems to be the theme!) I'm wearing a casualy dress, if that helps.

Also, for all our loyal readers, the rehearsal and dinner on Thursday night are only for the bridal party and family. If you're not one of the above, sorry. We love you but we can't afford to feed you three nights in a row. :)